Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I want to be Spider Man!

This morning on the way to school, my daughter asked,

"Daddy, who is Spider Man?"
"Peter Parker is Spider Man?
"Who is that?"
"Peter Parker?"
"He's Spider Man?"

This was the start of a very lengthy conversation about super heroes and who they are, what they do and where they come from. Granted, I had no amazing revelations and tried my best to recall the super hero history of my childhood. What this conversation did get me thinking about was, how cool it must be to be four years old and boy, I wished I was Spider Man!

The idea of starting a green company derived from the awesomeness of my kids! Their ability to think and dream big is a daily inspiration to my wife and me. Knowing that we (mom and dad) are their super heroes, in many ways, is inspiring. It makes me want to be a better person in every way possible.

Burp Armor was recently written up by an terrific website called Izzit is a cool site that reviews all things green. The Izzit write up made Burp Armor sound like the burp cloth of super heroes (which it is!). It was AWESOME!!! Thanks izzit! After my hero conversation with my daughter this morning, I started to ponder my own life and if I've done anything heroic lately, the answer is...probably not. However, what my wife and I have done is think big! Burp Armor is a big idea and is slowly getting legs as the best burp cloth in the baby world. Creating a company that sells green/sustainable burp cloths, is again, not heroic, but it is daring. It is daring in that we have tried something completely new and are making it successful. And, I would like to think that somewhere in that "sense of daring" there is a little bit of Spider Man too.

Until I am bitten by a radio active spider, I am going to just keep working on being the best dad and husband I can be. Hopefully, when my daughter is older she will still believe in Spider Man, but also see that heroes come in many shapes and sizes. My greater hope is that she will see that heroism comes from a sense of courage. Courage in oneself. I am looking forward to her developing her own Spider Sense and witnessing her acts of heroism, whatever shapes and sizes they come in.

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