Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Getting Back to Business

It's been a long time since I last sat down to write a post. Between now and then a lot has happened to Burp Armor. Summer has come and gone. Burp Armor has moved. Or, I should say we have moved to a new house; thus moving Burp Armor's corporate offices to a new location. Burp Armor attended its first real trade show (the ABC show in Vegas) where we met a ton of super cool people and landed new accounts at some fabulous stores. Overall, we came away feeling pretty good about Burp Armor and all we have created and accomplished. And, last but not least, the inspiration for Burp Armor, my son, just turned three. Time flies when you are having fun.

In review, we had a great summer. Our move to a new house completely stunk, but it was worth it. However, our movers lost the most important box we own with all our Burp Armor business cards, labels, hang tags, etc. Everything we use to sell and send Burp Armor strangely disappeared in our move. Why can't anything ever be easy?

To make things interesting, after the loss of our important box we traveled to Vegas with hot of the press business cards we had to essential pay twice for since the movers lost the first ones. While some people go to Vegas in September to place bets on the NFL, others flock there for the largest baby and kid show in the country called the ABC Baby and Child Show. Think of all the kids stuff you have ever seen any where, times it times a million, put it all in a very, VERY large convention center and you are now at the ABC show. It was AWESOME!!! I felt like I was the minor leaguer being called up to the majors. Very cool stuff! Plus, Burp Armor totally kicked ass while we were there. All the right people (cool people) loved it!

Finally, my little guy just turned three! Two and half years ago he inspired me to create Burp Armor. Time has flown. He seems to be growing exponentially in every way. Time is going by too quickly. In one breath I am finding myself wanting time to fast forward and show me the ultimate fate of Burp Armor and in the next breath, I want time to slow down so I can enjoy three, be happy we survived his terrible two's and bask in the fact my son, for the moment, thinks I am the coolest guy on the planet. As much as I want him to grow up, I don't. And, as much as I want to know the fate of Burp Armor, I don't.

My goal for this writing season is to stay in the present, enjoy the moment, and bring my wife and kids along for the ride. The Burp Armor train has been more like an emotional roller coaster. In one moment I can't wait to get off and then in the next moment, I get sucked back into thrill of it at every twist and turn.

The ride only seems to get more interesting each day and harder to get off!

1 comment:

  1. I can't find your product anywhere. I saw it in the stores 2.5 years ago when we were having our first. I wish I had bought a few back then, but passed since I received so many different types as gifts. I didn't like any of them. Well, we are having our second child and I cant find anything comparable to your burp armor product. I assume, and I hope I am wrong, that the product is no longer being sold. Is there any way to get my hands on a couple of these?? Maybe there's a retailer that still stocks them, or maybe you have a few left over you could sell me. I'd love to put them to good use. I'm a stay at hone dad and full time student and I need a great burp cloth with functionality,style, and being organic is a plus. Please help if you can!!
