Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Advice to my son...Marry UP!

Dear Son,

Marry UP! This is my first and best advice to you. Let me explain.

Your mother says I am to sit and blog about Burp Armor. If it wasn't for you being a particularly gifted baby burping machine in your early days and your mother's inspiration, there would be no Burp Armor. No patent. No cool first celebrity (Kyle MacLachlan) buying it from the killer write up from Best Life Magazine. No smack down fights over why we decided to throw caution to the wind and invest in a funky shaped burp cloth for babys to spit-up on. No watching you walking around the house saying, "I need my Buuurp Armoor! Burp ARMOOOR!" And, the smile its comfort brings you when it finally touches your hands and it is loved beyond words.

There is no way two years ago when we started the Burp Armor adventure I would have ever imagined being inspired to blog about it. But, I wasn't inspired to blog about it, your mother inspired me to blog about it. Just like your mother inspired me to come up with a solution to my complaints of being soaked by you on a nightly basis by your larger than life burps. Bottom line, your mom inspires me. She is cooler than I am, smarter than I am, and pushes me to be a better person each day. If she didn't, no Burp Armor and no Burp Armor blog. This brings me back to where we started and my advice..."Marry UP!" And, maybe....just maybe -- you will find your Burp Armor adventure one day too.

Love, Dad

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