Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Wife Signed Me Up to Blog

Yep, she did. I'm pretty sure, no.... I'm VERY sure it is a product of our latest installment of bickering about Burp Armor. As you can see in the about me section of this blog, Burp Armor was my "lighting in a bottle." It was my "ah-ha" moment back when we were up constantly with my son as a newborn.... yes, I know.... you're thinking you've heard this story before. But I was convinced that no one had heard *my* story.

Anyway, somehow, someway, I was successful in convincing my Virgo wife (planning, cautious, detail-orientated anyone?) that this was a good idea. That was over 2 years ago... and the good news is that we actually made it happen. The jury is still out on if this is sustainable. For the health of my sanity (and my marriage!) I am hoping so, because I absolutely think this is a friggin' awesome product. Stay tuned to hear about the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, Your web & blog sites are both totally awesome! I just ordered your burp armour in the "Aqua Skulls" design! Keep up the good work.
