Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dads think PINK!

Dads with daughters can't help, but to think... PINK! My daughter is obsessed with pink. From her daily outfits, to the color of her walls, to her favorite story, Pinkalicious by Victoria and Elizabeth Kahn. She thinks in the color pink. It's truly awesome, wonderful, and absolutely beautiful. However, last night at the dinner table, we had an interesting dialogue,
"Dada, boys don't wear pink!"
"Sure they do."
"No THEY don't."
"Who told you boys don't wear pink?"
"One of the boys at school."
Now, mind you, she's only in nursery school and the boy who told her this is only four years old; but, this got me thinking about boys and why we are taught at an early age that pink is not cool.

Maybe little boys inherently don't like pink because it's not blue. And, maybe if the sky were pink, little boys would like pink. Who knows, that's a little too existential, but the fact is... ladies like a guy who knows how to wear pink and wear it with confidence and style. For example, LeBron James, arguably the best baller ever (and this coming from a guy who grew up worshiping Jordan), rocked a pink button down with a sweet gray suit on the February cover of GQ. If you don't believe me, check out the cover. In the photo spread, LeBron in all his pinkness, smiles with the confindence of a King and a guy saying, "Damn straight, I'm wearing pink! You got a problem with it! Right, I didn't think so! Now I'm going to dunk on your sorry soul!"

I know what you are saying, "Plenty of dudes have been wearing pink for years!' But, you have to be careful, you don't want to look like James Spader in Pretty in Pink. Spader played the ultimate prepster tool who gave pink a bad name. The 80's are gone (and unfortunately John Hughes movies too). Now, the 21st century is upon us, and I urge dads of boys and girls alike to consider, pink is COOL -- no matter the gender or age. So dads, next time you are in the store, go for the slim pink button down vs. the standard old blue one with the the flying squirrel arms. Your wife will think your hot and your kids will see you as a style icon!

Tomorrow, I am sending a couple of Burp Armors to a good buddy of mine who just became the proud dad of a baby girl. He is getting a our very cool pink Candy Stripe and pink Candy Stitch styles. My buddy, Tim, is a guy's guy from Massachusetts. If there is anything he loves more than his wife and kids, it may be the Red Sox. Tim's world was rocked when he had his son, but, he has a daughter. He doesn't know it yet, but his world just was turned upside down. His world became the glorious, magnificent, and magical color -- PINK!

Congrats, Tim! Your Burp Armor is in the mail!

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